Can I cook with a Barbecue Grill on my apartment's balcony?

Every year, residential complexes suffer severe damage or loss from fires that begin with an open-flame cooking device being operated on a balcony.  The City of Kodiak has seen several of these incidents.  Rules governing the operation of open-flame cooking devices, such as barbecue grills, are found in the 2009 International Fire Code, which the Kodiak Fire Department enforces under deferral from the State Fire Marshal.

Please note: these rules apply only to multi-family structures larger than a duplex.  The Code does not prevent the use of cooking devices on the decks of single-family and two-family dwellings.

According to Section 308.1.4 of the International Fire Code, the operation or storage of a charcoal burner, or any other open-flame cooking device, is prohibited on combustible decks and balconies.  In addition, these devices shall not be used anywhere within 10 feet of combustible construction, which could include a nearby wall, overhang, patio fence, railing, or the deck above your own deck or patio. Any cooking device using propane fuel is subject to the same rules. 
Electric grills are acceptable, however, we would caution that you use a properly grounded electrical outlet with a GFI circuit, and refrain from using an extension cord, especially through the door to the deck.

If you have further questions about using cooking devices on multi-family dwelling balconies, please call the Fire Marshall at 486-8040.